Otis Clay Harrison, Jr.


 The Creator Of New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations & New Age Thinking



July 12, 1950 - November 21, 2019



Otis Clay Harrison, Jr., was born in Orangeburg, South Carolina on July 12, 1950. He is the second oldest son of Otis Harrison, Sr., and Eartha Lee "Mama Lee" Hipps Harrison Mintz. He was educated in the Orangeburg School District and he attended Wilkinson High School. {Click here to read the story of Wilkinson High.} Note: As of 8/4/2023, a subscription will be required to read the story if you are not an online subscriber to the Times and Democrat (TTandD), usually $1.00 for 6 months for first time subscribers.


At Wilkinson High, Otis was extremely intelligent and visionary. At age 16, he questioned the viability of the Civil Rights Movement for American Black people and he called it the "TCRD" - The Civil Rights Deception. Otis was certain, the movement would destroy the Black economy in America and millions of Black people would end up in projects and on welfare. He was so certain this was going to happen until he convinced his close friends at Wilkinson High to form "The Black Awareness Coordinating Committee" (BACC) in 1966 to educate Black people in Orangeburg about the economic dangers of the Civil Rights Movement. {Click here to prove Otis C. Harrison was right. Black people were more successful and better off before Civil Rights.}


Since the BACC was populated with 15-17 year old teenagers, it received no support from the faculty and staff at Wilkinson High and little or no support from the Black community in Orangeburg. The vast majority believed in the Civil Rights Movement at the time. Otis was a very likeable person and was no stranger to anyone he met. This is why so many students at Wilkinson High, supported the BACC. Among the most noteworthy that also believed Civil Rights would impoverish the Black community, rather than empower it were: Ava Fredrick, Athaniel Badger, Belford Irick, Bernard Pinckney, Bonnie Gail Pimble, Cassandra Moore, Clarence Carmichael, Devonia Wallace, Edwina Williams, Elaine Adams, Ethel Pearl Jamison, Gayland Amaker, George M. Sistrunk, Gerald Whitmore, Gordon Granger, Henry Clay McMichael, Hensley McPhersner, James Brown, James Smiley, John Woody, Joshua Johnson, Karen Anderson, Larry Mack, LaRose Saxon, Lewis Dean, Lurline Glover, Linda Haynes, Lucius Able, Mickey Lewis, Paul Miller, Paula Whaley, Peter Boyd, Philipa Harris, Vincent Kerr, Mark Battle, Michelle Howard, Monica Stokes, Red Boyd, Rosalyn Johnson, Tyrone Dash, Sandra Hasbeen, Samuel Nimmons, Russell B. Williams and Tony DeLarge. Otis biggest concern at age 16 and for the remainder of his life, was that Black people had no viable Economic Development Philosophy that would make Black people competitive with Whites, Orientals, Indians, Jews and others. Someone had to create one and it would be him. {Click here to read about the failures of the Civil Rights Movement that proves all these teenagers that agreed with Otis C. Harrison were also right.}


1968 - 1979


After graduating from Wilkinson High in 1968, Otis attended Claflin College in Orangeburg with a major in biology. For a brief period in the 1970s, Otis was a substitute teacher in the Orangeburg School District. During this same period of time, he opened his first business on the railroad corner in Orangeburg across from South Carolina State College. The business was a T-Shirt Print Shop. Otis' T-Shirt business was so successful, until he was able to pay back the bank loan to start the business in less than 6 months. {Click here to hear Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" album that highlights many of the tragedies that were happening in the Black community in the 1970s.}


1979 - 1990


From 1979 until 1990, George and Otis were separated and both were heavily involved in other matters. Otis had his business interest and George had his. Click here to review Unity's Owners Reality Checks I & II.


1990 - 2001


On October 16, 1995, the Million March; that was sponsored by Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, was held in Washington DC. The Black men that gathered on the mall in Washington, DC were suppose to go back to their hometowns and start major business operations. In November of 1995, Otis decided that he would help the Million March participants in Orangeburg, build major business enterprises. He convinced Edward C. Graham and George M. Sistrunk to go to the meetings along with him, and that together, they could help the group achieve a major objective of the Million Man March. George and Ed agreed. {Click here to read about the Million Man March.}


In December of 1995, Otis penned "The Potrait of A Leader" and gave it to George M. Sistrunk for word processing, printing and distribution. On the document, Otis identified 7 important attributes people would need in order to participate in and be successful with his Innovative Economic Development Concept. A person had be or become a "Visionary", "Inspirational", "Adaptable", "Service-Minded", "Decisive", "Optimistic" and "Receptive to New Ideas". Otis told us we have to "Set Our Goals and Plot Our Course". He reminded us that we had the power to choose our direction in life. Otis insisted that we "Understand Our Abilities", "Recognize Our Strengths" and use them to achieve our goals. He told us we had to "Create An Environment of Achievement" that the Black community had never had before. This is why so many failed to achieve the goals of the Million Man March. {Click here to read about the failure of the Million Man March.}


He encouraged us to "Maximize Our Efforts" on a daily basis, "Reward Successes", "Respect Individuality" and "Recognize Problems as Opportunities" for personal growth and development. He told us to call on others for support and advice whenever we needed it. Otis told us to "Work Together As Units".  Combining our forces would dramatically increase and multiply our chances for success. He told us to "Expect to Make Some Sacrifices". All the effort we put into achieving our goals would magnify the joy of achieving them. Otis told us to "Surround Ourselves with Positive People" and with people that had an ability to "Share a Vision" and "Commit to Achieving It". This would energize us when we needed it the most. He told us to "Strive for Excellence" in everything said and done, "Always Work To Bring Out the Best Within Us"  and to "Always Reach for What is Just Beyond Our Immediate Grasp". According to Otis C. Harrison, this is what success is all about. {Click here to review "How To Use Universal Laws To Your Advantage"}


From the middle of December 1995 to the first week in January 1996, Otis worked diligently to form the "Million Man March Association Economic Development Committee". George M. Sistrunk was elected as the Chairman of the Committee and Hilton Scipio was the Co-Chair. Otis told George not only to be the spokesman for the Committee, he also wanted George to be the spokesman for his ideas as well. Otis told George that his vocabulary was too limited and he needed someone that really understands his philosophy and concepts and had the vocabulary to speak it to anyone publicly or privately. In addition, George's own "Integrated Economics Concept" supported his philosophy more so than any other. George agreed.  Otis was elected the Chairman of the Economic Development Sub-Committee, Edward C. Graham was elected Chairman of the Sub-Committee to Coordinate the Activities of Churches, Clubs, Groups, Individuals and Organizations and Dorothy Harley was elected as the Chair Woman of the Sub-Committee for Local Business Development. Dr. Kinard did not want to be elected to any Sub-Committee. All he wanted was just to be a member of the organization. {Click here to review Integrated Economics.}


On January 12, 1996, George M. Sistrunk, Edward C. Graham and Dorothy Harley, went with Otis C. Harrison to the first public Meeting of the Orangeburg Chapter of the Million Man March. {Click here to read the "Minutes" that were inspired by Otis C. Harrison.} In February of 1996, with the help of Otis C. Harrison, Edward C. Graham and George M. Sistrunk, the Orangeburg Chapter of the Million Man March that went to Washington DC was the only Chapter to initiate and establish a successful business operation.  The first ever corporation based on Otis C. Harrison's Innovative Concepts and Economic Development Philosophy was established. The corporation, Unity International, Inc. (UII), was an astounding success. After reviewing Otis C. Harrison's acquisition strategy, not only did the owners of Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips agree to sell UII the Arthur Treacher's Franchise at the "Fashion Mall" in Columbia, South Carolina, UII could purchase every Authur Treacher's Franchise in America. {Click here to see the Arthur Treacher's Franchise at the Fashion Mall.}


2001 - 2012


From 2001 until 2012, George, Ed and Otis were separated. All 3 men had their own interest and were involved in other matters during this time period. Click here to see the list of books that must be written that will be based on Otis C. Harrison's Economic Development Philosophy.



2012 - 2019


From 2012 to 2015, Otis would meet often with George M. Sistrunk and Edward C. Graham at the Huddle House Restaurant in Orangeburg to discuss his concepts for moving Black people forward.  The conversations would get so invloved, until George M. Sistrunk started taking notes on napkins. When he arrived home, he transferred his written notes to a computer program. Over the next 3 years, the notes he kept were well over 100 pages. {Click here to review more information from the notes that will be published soon.}


In 2015, George M. Sistrunk and Edward C. Graham joined Otis C. Harrison again to build another corporation with his Innovative Concepts and Economic Development Philosophy after the Board of Directors destroyed UII, another corporation was needed. On May13, 2015, Otis' Innovative Concepts and Economic Development Philosophy became New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking (NAC-NAC-NAT). {Click here for an overview.}


On September 2, 2015, George and Otis met with John Yow, the Aministrator for the City of Orangeburg and gave him a copy of Otis' concepts for the growth and development of the Black community in Orangeburg. After taking a brief recess so he could read the 6 page document, the meeting resumed. John Yow believed the best way to get the concept into the Black Community in Orangeburg was through the Churches. He told George and Otis to make sure every leader in Orangeburg got a copy of the "Real Salvation For African Americans Is New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking" with his name on it. {Click here to review the discussion with John Yow.}


Over the next few weeks and months copies were mailed to every Black Church in Orangeburg with no response from any of them. The pair had much more success with the former Shareholders of UII. On August 3, 2015, Edward C. Graham, George M. Sistrunk and Otis C. Harrison successfully returned UII back to the former Shareholders. On November 17, 2015, Diane Wesley-Williams filed the paperwork to reserve Unity International Company, Inc. as the name of a new Class "C" Corporation. After gathering over 60 people for the new corporation, on June 3, 2016, Diane Wesley-Williams filed the Articles of Incorporation for Otis C. Harrison's first New Age Corporation in world History. On June 28, 2016, Edward C. Graham filed the Restated Articles of Incorporation. {Click here to see UICI's Introductory & Temporary Website.}


In March of 2018, Otis met with George M. Sistrunk to go over the notes that were written over the past few years. George told Otis there was enough material for a book. Otis didn't agree immediately, but said, he would consider it. After Otis left, George began organizing the notes into a book. By April 15, 2018, George had completed the project. He got Otis so he could review it and if he liked the way it was written, to allow him to write the book and publish it. The next thing they had to decide on was a title for the book. George suggested the title of the document they had given to John Yow. However, Otis didn't agree. He said there is no salvation for Black people anywhere unless we save Black people from themselves. Since Otis approved it, the title of the Book became - "The Approved Exposes On Otis C. Harrison's How To Save Black Americans From Themselves With New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking". {Click here to read how Black people spend their money.}


From 2018 until his death in November of 2019, Otis C. Harrison worked diligently to encourage Black people to become Shareholder-Owners of a major Class "C" Corporation with very little success. Otis became so frustrated with the "Apathy", "Ignorance" and "Indifference" of Black people in Orangeburg and the surrounding communities until he started drinking heavily and while intoxicated, he would rant about Black people, not only in Orangeburg but everywhere he had been, including those he had met in American cities, in Europe and England when he was in the Navy. {Click here to read the failure of Black Capitalism}


According to Otis C. Harrison, Black people are "Economic Parasites" in White Economic Systems. Parasites in a system will eventually destroy the system. Bottom line: Having large Black populations in America, Europe and England that were not in a Symbionic Relationship will eventually Collapse America, Europe and England and the only way to avoid this impending collapse is to adopt NAC-NAC-NAT as a philosophical base for long term growth and development. No matter how much money Whites and others give Black people to spend and consume or allow them to have, it will not save these countries. According to Otis, it is because the incomes Black people are receiving are being artificially created by Central Banks. This massive artificiality will eventually collapse the Banks that are the support system for the Socialism that is spreading in America and the West and rampant in Black Mentalities worldwide. This Socialistic Mentality will eventually transition America and the West from Democracies and/or Republics into 3rd World-Like Totalitarian States or Countries, where the few will control everything even the lives and livelihoods of the people. {Click here for the proof that Otis is right again about a coming International Bank Crisis.}


In August of 2018, Litfire Publishing, printed and published, "The Approved Exposes On Otis C. Harrison's How To Save Black Americans From Themselves With New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking". Click the Book Review image below to order the book from Litfire and/or Amazon that will change your destiny and the destiny of Black people on this planet forever. In fact, the information in this book, will change the destiny of any group of people that understands it and applies these principles for long term economic growth and development.


You can also click here to get the book from Mrs. Edward C. Graham. Call the number on the page. Anyone with an income or financial resources can become a Shareholder-Owner of an Otis C. Harrison Class "C" New Age Corporation.