Continue The Legacy
Otis C. Harrison & Edward C. Graham

You can continue the "Legacy" Otis C. Harrison and Edward C. Graham began to make Black people competitive worldwide. Their goal is to transform Black Africa into a "Paradise on Earth" with Otis' "Economic Development Philosophy" of New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking (NAC-NAC-NAT) and Ed's ECGP Decision-Making Method and System. This goal can happen and be well on its way to completion in 10 years or less with his systems. {Click here to read Black Economic Empowerment From the Grassroots.}


Until Otis C. Harrison was born, grew up and gave us NAC-NAC-NAT and until Edward C. Graham was born and grew up and gave us the ECGP, Black people on this planet had no philosophical structure to organize themselves with that funded itself, and empowered them at the same time. Millions of Black people do not realize a Comprehensive, All Inclusive, Socioeconomic Development Philosophy and Strategy exist and those that do know about it, have done absolutely nothing with it. Outside of Black Africa, the largest Black populations are in the Nation States of Western Civilization that also includes the Islands and Central and South America. {Click here to see What Black Americans Are Doing To Economically Empower Themselves? - NOTHING!!}


As a race of people, Black people now have a choice. Black people can spend generation after generation chasing after White people because Neo-Liberal Whites use Black people as a voting base for power and control over others, Marching and Protesting in their streets because we haven't built any concrete or asphalt highways ourselves, surviving on handouts as Whites and others progress, complaining about Racism as millions are doing now, or, we can create a bold new future for ourselves and our children with Otis C. Harrison's NAC-NAC-NAT and Edward C. Graham's ECGP. {Click here to read why Black Africa is still a Basket Case.} 


With Otis C. Harrison's NAC-NAC-NAT and Edward C. Graham's ECGP, everything that separates and divides Black people or any other race or groups of people into clans, camps, creeds, factions, ideologies or parties is eliminated. Everything that isolates people by beliefs, class, culture, geography, history, language or religion is eradicated. Aggregation replaces Separation. Congregation replaces Isolation. Cooperation and Consolidation leads to Confederations and Unification. This effectively ends the Factionalization and Fractionalization that have divided people for centuries. {Click here to read why Pan-Africanism failed and will continue to fail.}


With Otis C. Harrison's Socioeconomic Development Philosophy and Edward C. Graham's Decision-Making Method and System, there is Wealth and Prosperity for millions of Black people or any other group of people worldwide rather than Poverty and Austerity. Instead of begging for Reparations for Slavery for Black people that were never Chattel Slaves that millions of Black people would spend in 90 days or less, Black people in Black Africa, America, Europe, England and everywhere else with large or small Black populations need genuine Financial Reorientation, Economic Transformation and the necessary Education, instead of more Consumerism and Neo-Liberal Indoctrination. {Click here to read "What Is New Age Capitalism?}


Otis C. Harrison realized he needed an organizational structure that would create New Age Corporations by the hundreds and a Decision-Making Method and System that had no equal. The organization had to have the necessary infrastructure to Create, Implement and Maintain the Concepts, Guidelines, Precepts, Protocols, Sustainability Metrics, Systems and their Subsystems for Long Term Advancement, Development and Prosperity for millions of Black people worldwide. New Age Corporations along with New Age Thinking will effectively end the poverty that now exist in Black African nations and in Black communities. Click the following video links to see why Africa is poor and clearly see why none have any genuine solution. The Reason: None can give you a Comprehensive, All Inclusive Socioeconomic Development Philosophy and a Decision-Making Method and System that can maintain it like NAC-NAC-NAT and the ECGP.


Video [A]  Why Is Africa Still So Poor? (NAC-NAC- NAT & ECGP ends every problem stated in this video)


Video [B] Why Africa Is So Poor. (Hint: It Isn't Colonialism)


Video [C] Why Are Black Are African Peope Poor? What Is The ONLY Solution To Poverty. (Fear is not a Solution)


Video [D] How Geography Doomed Africa. (Geography is not a problem with NAC-NAC-NAT & the ECGP)


No country on this planet wants large numbers of American Black people or from any other Western nation and no country wants large numbers Black Africans. The Reason: As a race, Black people have nothing to offer any country except "Cheap Labor" and a "Race Card". We have no Science, Engineering, Technologies, Manufacturing Capabilities, Infrastructural Expertise or Sustainability Metrics to offer any Country or Nation State. The people in these Countries or Nation States must take care of millions of Black people with Education, Careers, Jobs, Social Welfare, Training, Access to their Technologies, Access to their Business, Social, Financial and Institutional Structures or Systems; as well as provide unrestricted Access to Income Opportunities that they must pay for in one way or another. {Click here to see Dubai Bans Entry of Nigerians and other Africans.}


All of Western Asia (the Middle East), Indonesia, Micronesia, Countries in Central and South America, Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, the Ukraine and the Countries in the Orient, just to mention a few, can no longer afford to take care of millions of Black people that can do little or nothing major or significant for themselves. This massive failure creates an unwanted burden on their societies. This is why the doors are closing to Black immigration and once closed will never reopen without Otis C. Harrison's New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking and Edward C. Graham's ECGP. {Click here to read European Countries Closing Doors to Refugees.}


Like Otis Often Said: "In order to move Black people from where we are now to where we need to be will require and "Educational Process" the likes of which the world has never seen and an "Economic Development Philosophy" the likes of which the world has never had." Before he passed away in November of 2019, he gave us both. The "Educational Process" is at ACDNAC. And Like Ed Often Said: "It starts with you and what you decide to do or not do." {Click here to see what an ACDNAC Education is all about.}  


Otis C. Harrison's "Economic Development Philosophy" and Edward C. Graham's ECGP are at Unity International Company, Inc. The only New Age Corporation on earth at this point in time. {Click here to see what UICI Shareholder-Owners need to know.} 


Otis C. Harrison's Socioeconomic Development Philosophy and Edward C. Graham's ECGP can not only build or rebuild lives, individually and collectively, Communities, Villages, Towns or Cities and their States or Provinces, they can also build or rebuild entire Countries anywhere on earth. Nothing like this has ever existed before - NOTHING!! To continue the Legacy to transform Black communities and Black African nation states into "Paradises on Earth", click the image below, go to "Sales", purchase the "Paperback" or the "E-book", read it and then do what it says. Encourage others to do the same and you will see for yourself the rapid transformation of Black societies everywhere on earth even in Burundi and Haiti.